Tuesday 4 May 2010


Drugs are bad, dangerous and have an addiction. But why is it people still do it? People know that there are serious health implications with most illegal drugs. However drugs create a an excitement and high which people love.
http://http//www.talktofrank.com/ This website linked is a site that helps people with a drug addiction.

Response to Alex's Blog on Drugs

I will first make a comment on the picture that is used in the blog.
Which is of Amy Winehouse in not such a presentable manner. The media have so many cases of drug addicts and she is well known for the miss-use of drugs. Just goes to show even though she has fame and wealth she still chooses to take the wrong path. This could be insecurities. Just goes to show that drug addictions can effect all types of people.

I disagree with the education part of the blog because even people who come from highly educated backgrounds take drugs. I went to a private school and it did not stop any of the students taking drugs even though it was taught not to take them. Also many doctors and professionals takes drugs as they choose to get away from reality and the only option is drugs.

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