Tuesday 4 May 2010


Drugs are bad, dangerous and have an addiction. But why is it people still do it? People know that there are serious health implications with most illegal drugs. However drugs create a an excitement and high which people love.
http://http//www.talktofrank.com/ This website linked is a site that helps people with a drug addiction.

Response to Alex's Blog on Drugs

I will first make a comment on the picture that is used in the blog.
Which is of Amy Winehouse in not such a presentable manner. The media have so many cases of drug addicts and she is well known for the miss-use of drugs. Just goes to show even though she has fame and wealth she still chooses to take the wrong path. This could be insecurities. Just goes to show that drug addictions can effect all types of people.

I disagree with the education part of the blog because even people who come from highly educated backgrounds take drugs. I went to a private school and it did not stop any of the students taking drugs even though it was taught not to take them. Also many doctors and professionals takes drugs as they choose to get away from reality and the only option is drugs.

Monday 3 May 2010

Last blog!

I have enjoyed writing these blogs more then I expected. The first few blogs I was a little confused as I was not to sure to write. This was the first time in my experience having writing these blogs. I have also enjoyed following other peoples blogs and reading what they have written. There have been many issues address through out the pass months. which I believe are not always easy to comment on as they are sensitive subjects for some people. However I tried my best and that's all what counts! That's not to say it was difficult at times.

Thursday 29 April 2010

Prank Calls

I was sitting down one evening this week can turned the channel to what I thought was a very funny show called Face jacker! Previously known as Phone jacker. It gave me a thought that this would be a good blog for the being bad module!

Prank calls is something as a teenager me and my friends did loads. I have to admit it was funny! It is so funny its wrong.... As bad as it may sound I think prank calls are hilarious, however I know that there is more to a call then just a laugh. Pranks calls can be threatening and disturbing for some people as people can take the joke to far.

They are obviously wrong but thought it was an interesting topic to talk about. I thought it really linked in with a topic of being bad!
There are many sites and businesses available where you can purchase pranks calls.... this link posted is an example.

Sunday 25 April 2010

Officialy Banned!

The Mephedrone has now officially been banned and classed as a class B drug. I have previously spoken about the debate on whether this drug was to be banned due to serious concerns about the cause of teenager's deaths.

People who are now found with this drug will be punished either with fines or a prison sentence.

In my opinion I think it was right to ban this drug as it caused harm to people. I am surprised thought that it wasn't banned earlier. However it is likely that this drug is still out there and easy to still get hold off. So maybe now there needs to be campaigns explaining why this drug is so bad.

The link I have posted is a BBC News article explaining in more detail the ban of this drug. http://http//news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8623958.stm

Meow Meow

Thursday 15 April 2010


Stalking usually happens when a person cannot take NO has an answer. which then can turn into an obsession with a person. Example of stalking could be because of failed relationships. It is a invasion of a person privacy. The main aim of stalking could be to possibly intimidate the person or to scare them. If it is not that then maybe the stalker gets some sort of buzz out of it.

The thought of stalking sends a shiver down my spine. To have someone following you 24/7 is not only scary but weird. It is not right to stalk someone in my opinion....... Not unless the stalker is leaving endless amounts of diamonds/ flowers/ chocolates etc at your door step! But on a serious note for someone to even stalk in the first place surely must have mental issues.

This website is a charity which helps victims of stalking. It is good to know that people who are victims of stalking can get help, and that there are charities out there to help these people.
Response to Meggan Rattigans blog on stalking.
I agree with Megan as I also do believe that stalking is a scary thought. Also she has mentioned that today's technology it is actually easier to stalk someone now. Which made me think do people them selves make it easier for people to stalk them.... We really do have to be careful with the information we put on these pages such as facebook.
Response to Angela's blog
I agree with Angela because I think that people who do get stalked are intimidated by the stalker. The web links posted are good.

Thursday 8 April 2010

Is it worth the GAMBEL

You win some you loose some.....Just one more won't hurt....It is only a game......Or is it?

Gambling can be dangerous as it can escalate into an addiction leading to a person loosing everything. It has the same type of rush as drugs - which can get out of control quickly. The more a person wins the more confident they become which means they will take bigger risks. However one wrong turn means you could loose everything. Gambling plays on a persons greed as there is a need and desire to want and win more.

I myself do the odd gambling here and there for example the e lottery. I see no harm in gambling to be honest however if people have no control that's when things get bad.

For people who have the addiction is not always as easy for them to admit to it. they will often be in denial....However there are many charities and groups which are out there who are willing to help these people.

This link posted is a guide to people who have an addiction. It helps people pick up the signs and ways of dealing with it.

Response to Hafza Ibals blog.

I think she has look at her issues very well. I think its brilliant the way she has put in the Islamic view on some of her issues. It good to know a different perspective on certain issues such as alcohol. Also the way she has used text quoted from the Quran.