Sunday 21 March 2010

Is it right to ban!

In my previous blogs I have spoken about alcohol, smoking and certain types of drugs. In regards to my last post I spoke about the legal drug mephedrone and the controversies behind this particular drug. It can be argued that huge amount of alcohol consumption causes many health implications too. Not only does it effect your health but your mental state. It is the same with smoking as it effects your health and is very addictive.

Surely it can be argued that cigarettes and alcohol should be banned aswell. Does it not make it as bad as the drug mephedrine? This is something I do not quite understand. All of the above can kill ,be addictive, have severe health implications and have psychological effects. So what makes one more dangerous then the other?

Even though a final decision has not been made yet it will be interesting to see what happens.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Drug of the generation - Meow Meow!

This week it has been all over the news headlines how the drug mephedrone is now the new generation drug! Its cheap, legal and has all the effects to take you to another level......It even kills! This drug has become increasing popular and easy to get hold off in the UK today and many people suggest that the government have it band and made illegal and given the same classification as a class A drug. The drug which is actually a plant food has been used for research on various diseases such as Parkinson's.

Two students aged 18 died from taking the drug in Scunthorpe recently. So there has been an urge for schools to examine the usage of this drugs and recognise the dangers that it has on youngsters. This drug causes many health implications for people.

Response to Angela's blog

I think Angela's blog is very interesting and informative. The websites given are also very good. This blog has been written extremely well. I like the way she used rhetorical questions.

Wednesday 10 March 2010


Porn is a billion dollar industry. Is it right to watch it? Or does it exploit women? http://
In the past porn has been considered as a taboo however in today's society peoples views have changed as it's everywhere and easily accessible. Today porn is not just for men there are many websites, books, DVDs etc available for different groups of people, for example women friendly porn. Porn is a sex aid and helps couples spice up their sex lives.

Some may say that porn exploits women but to a certain degree women have self respect because they work as professionals and most of it is safe sex as most actors get scanned for any STIs, HIV or any other diseases.

However there is a dark side of porn, for example when actors use drugs, extreme scenes and violence.

In my personal opinion I have no issues if other people choose to watch porn but it's not something i have any interest for.
The web link I have posted looks at the pros and cons of men watching porn.

It's Smokinnnng

Everyone has their own choice to smoke, everyone has there own reasons to do it. I myself do not smoke and never have done, however many of my friends do. I myself do not agree with it and think for health reasons people should try their best not too. Not only for them selves but also to save money for the NHS .

However it is not that simple, for those who do smoke it can sometimes become an addiction. Pier pressure plays a big part in smoking as you are young as some teenagers believe it is "cool" and makes them feel grown up. Some people smoke to loose weight, to relieve stress, or for social reasons. Many smokers are in denial.

I used to work as as a Stop smoking advisor and out of 10 people only 2 managed to stop. Most of my patients were unaware of the exact harm that smoking does. One thing I did learn when I was working as an advisor is that its not as easy for people to quit. Smoking becomes apart of a persons life so it is like not eating any more. However people are given choices in the world today so it is up to them whether they wish to smoke or not in my opinion.

The NHS stop smoking site is a good way to stop smoking. It gives excellent advice and has various ways of helping you to quite.

Friday 5 March 2010

Fancy a tattoo?

Tattoos have been practised all over the world. Tattoos can be used to demonstrate allegiance to a particular group or organisation. They have been often associated within gang cultures.

Tattoos are also a fashion statement as they are the "in thing" to have these days. Many celebrities and icons choose to show their tattoos off. Tattoos are sometimes associated with the hard man image and linked with certain gangs. They sometimes often prove statements.

Many people today have religious symbols or images or types of Sanscript tattooed onto peoples bodies.

Tattoos also can spread diseases through unclean needles and and spread diseases such as aids or hep B. There are many back alley shops and private places which are reputable. Many teenagers often get tattoos whilst going through rebellious stages of their lives.

I personally would not get a tattoo more so because of my fear of needles. Why someone would want to go through that unnecessary pain is something I do not quite understand. But each to their own I just think people should think very carefully before deciding to go through with it, because once its there its there for life. I also do not agree with religious symbols and words being used as fashion statements.

http://http// This link looks briefly at the history of tattoos in different countries.

Thursday 4 March 2010

Being Bad Week 1 - Introduction.....To much information maybe?

First lesson Being bad,

One of the most intriguing lessons in my education to date!!! It was a taster for how the next 11 weeks of being bad was going to be and it was different to how I expected it.... At times throughout this lesson I was cringing and could not stop saying "oh my god".

We all had to write out 2 secrets that were supposedly "being bad" , or just wrong!. Then a few members of the class had to read out the most "shocking ones" and well I think we got a bit more then what we bargained for.

we also went through the module guide and was given a brief introduction to all the subjects that we were going to touch.

After this lesson I didn't know what to expect every Thursday evening.......but i'm sure it was going to be different compared to any other educational lesson in my life.

Week 12: Alcohol - Binge Drinking

My chosen topic for week 12 - is on Binge Drinking.

Binge drinking is an issues which is faced in England everyday. The definition of this is drinking as much alcohol as you can within a certain time. This is often done in groups. This tends to be very common up on university students, hence why I have chosen this topic.

There are many health implications due to such a rapid alcohol consumptions which people tend to ignore. Crime rate has also risen due to the amount of problems caused because of this issue. According to the government binge drinking cost England £20 billion a year!
Below is a link which goes into more detail regarding Binge drinking, it contains statistics, and relevant information regarding this topic.