Tuesday 4 May 2010


Drugs are bad, dangerous and have an addiction. But why is it people still do it? People know that there are serious health implications with most illegal drugs. However drugs create a an excitement and high which people love.
http://http//www.talktofrank.com/ This website linked is a site that helps people with a drug addiction.

Response to Alex's Blog on Drugs

I will first make a comment on the picture that is used in the blog.
Which is of Amy Winehouse in not such a presentable manner. The media have so many cases of drug addicts and she is well known for the miss-use of drugs. Just goes to show even though she has fame and wealth she still chooses to take the wrong path. This could be insecurities. Just goes to show that drug addictions can effect all types of people.

I disagree with the education part of the blog because even people who come from highly educated backgrounds take drugs. I went to a private school and it did not stop any of the students taking drugs even though it was taught not to take them. Also many doctors and professionals takes drugs as they choose to get away from reality and the only option is drugs.

Monday 3 May 2010

Last blog!

I have enjoyed writing these blogs more then I expected. The first few blogs I was a little confused as I was not to sure to write. This was the first time in my experience having writing these blogs. I have also enjoyed following other peoples blogs and reading what they have written. There have been many issues address through out the pass months. which I believe are not always easy to comment on as they are sensitive subjects for some people. However I tried my best and that's all what counts! That's not to say it was difficult at times.

Thursday 29 April 2010

Prank Calls

I was sitting down one evening this week can turned the channel to what I thought was a very funny show called Face jacker! Previously known as Phone jacker. It gave me a thought that this would be a good blog for the being bad module!

Prank calls is something as a teenager me and my friends did loads. I have to admit it was funny! It is so funny its wrong.... As bad as it may sound I think prank calls are hilarious, however I know that there is more to a call then just a laugh. Pranks calls can be threatening and disturbing for some people as people can take the joke to far.

They are obviously wrong but thought it was an interesting topic to talk about. I thought it really linked in with a topic of being bad!
There are many sites and businesses available where you can purchase pranks calls.... this link posted is an example.

Sunday 25 April 2010

Officialy Banned!

The Mephedrone has now officially been banned and classed as a class B drug. I have previously spoken about the debate on whether this drug was to be banned due to serious concerns about the cause of teenager's deaths.

People who are now found with this drug will be punished either with fines or a prison sentence.

In my opinion I think it was right to ban this drug as it caused harm to people. I am surprised thought that it wasn't banned earlier. However it is likely that this drug is still out there and easy to still get hold off. So maybe now there needs to be campaigns explaining why this drug is so bad.

The link I have posted is a BBC News article explaining in more detail the ban of this drug. http://http//news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8623958.stm

Meow Meow

Thursday 15 April 2010


Stalking usually happens when a person cannot take NO has an answer. which then can turn into an obsession with a person. Example of stalking could be because of failed relationships. It is a invasion of a person privacy. The main aim of stalking could be to possibly intimidate the person or to scare them. If it is not that then maybe the stalker gets some sort of buzz out of it.

The thought of stalking sends a shiver down my spine. To have someone following you 24/7 is not only scary but weird. It is not right to stalk someone in my opinion....... Not unless the stalker is leaving endless amounts of diamonds/ flowers/ chocolates etc at your door step! But on a serious note for someone to even stalk in the first place surely must have mental issues.

This website is a charity which helps victims of stalking. It is good to know that people who are victims of stalking can get help, and that there are charities out there to help these people.
Response to Meggan Rattigans blog on stalking.
I agree with Megan as I also do believe that stalking is a scary thought. Also she has mentioned that today's technology it is actually easier to stalk someone now. Which made me think do people them selves make it easier for people to stalk them.... We really do have to be careful with the information we put on these pages such as facebook.
Response to Angela's blog
I agree with Angela because I think that people who do get stalked are intimidated by the stalker. The web links posted are good.

Thursday 8 April 2010

Is it worth the GAMBEL

You win some you loose some.....Just one more won't hurt....It is only a game......Or is it?

Gambling can be dangerous as it can escalate into an addiction leading to a person loosing everything. It has the same type of rush as drugs - which can get out of control quickly. The more a person wins the more confident they become which means they will take bigger risks. However one wrong turn means you could loose everything. Gambling plays on a persons greed as there is a need and desire to want and win more.

I myself do the odd gambling here and there for example the e lottery. I see no harm in gambling to be honest however if people have no control that's when things get bad.

For people who have the addiction is not always as easy for them to admit to it. they will often be in denial....However there are many charities and groups which are out there who are willing to help these people.

This link posted is a guide to people who have an addiction. It helps people pick up the signs and ways of dealing with it.

Response to Hafza Ibals blog.

I think she has look at her issues very well. I think its brilliant the way she has put in the Islamic view on some of her issues. It good to know a different perspective on certain issues such as alcohol. Also the way she has used text quoted from the Quran.


Prostitution is one of the oldest jobs in the world. Even though its wrong for women to sale them selves for sex it has many reasons behind it for why women do it.
Prostitutes its brings the rate of rape down, we often forget to mention this as we are usually to busy judging them. But have we ever given those women a chance? Many Prostitutes do not have a choice and get lured into doing it. They are usually owned by pimps.
There have been issues shown in the media about prostitution. Films such as Pretty Women which is a very well known film is where Julia Roberts acts as a prostitute. There have been other Drama's which have also been on T.V
Prostitution has been around for many years and will probably always be around as its a job and a way to make money. In my opinion I do not think prostitution is right and to a certain degree I feel sorry that women are exploited to have to do this. Many women are forced into prostitution as its linked with drugs. However at the same time many of these women cut down the rate of rape. Maybe if these ladies were not out there selling them selves there would be more rape cases around.
This website posted looks at why women become prostitues and go into more depths of issues that they face.


Body piercing is a form of fashion and can often be used to decorate the body. For example nose rings, earring, tongue piercing etc.

There are certain medical risk with having many piercing such as HIVs, infections can occur and hepatitis.

It can also be a sign or control, for example a ring in the nose of a bull. They can be used to manipulate and manoeuvre animals. Some people may see piercings as being submissive hence why people would avoid them.

Many teenagers whilst going through their rebellious stage also tend to get piercings done. There have been many examples shown in the media and films where the parents do not give consent for them to have it.

To a certain degree too many piercings look unprofessional in my opinion. Many workplaces do not allow their staff to where excessive amounts of jewellery as it is not suitable for certain occupations.

Most schools will usually only allow stud earrings , and students may be punished of they wear any more as it is a hazard if students get into fights.

In my opinion I think that a certain amounts of piercings looks nice, however when too many are done it begins to look unattractive.

The link I have posted looks at the medical risk of having piercings done. http://http//www.youngwomenshealth.org/body-piercing.html


If people want to be in the nude let them be - However there is a time and a place. The last thing I want to see on the beach on a nice sunny day with my family is a nudist!!!! Bit embarrassing isn't it? I am all for love your body, natural etc. Doesn't mean I want to be exposed to it!

It is good that people feel comfortable with their body and they want to share with people. We are all the same but certain things like our bodies and personalities make us unique. It makes us who we are and we should appreciate that.
There are certain resorts , beaches, and certain places which are equipped of nudist. I think its good that people have the confidence to show their bodies of in the nudes. Realistically how many people are actually happy about their bodies. I know that I would never do it I simply don't have the guts..

There are such places as Nudist beaches for that. People need to be appropriately dressed because it makes other people feel unconformable.
This website linked has more information on this topic. http://http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naturism

Liar Liar your pants are on fire!

Is it wrong to tell a lie?

When we are children we are not told to lie as it's bad but why is it that adults them selves are the ones lying. Growing up we listen to stories such as the boy who cried wolf and watched movies like Pinocchio. But why isit that we still carry on to lie.

I would say that most people at least once in their life has told a lie. Most people lie to change circumstances to suit them selves. For example to manipulate others, or to win over others. Lying is used for devious means as the intent for lying could be bad.

However I do believe there is such a thing as a good lie as it may have good intentions behind it. For example lying to protect someone you care about.

I do think lying can be quite addictive too because when no harm is done with telling one lie what harm would come from telling 100 lies. However if the truth is told then that's when trouble occurs.

Most religions will teach to live a an honest life. Being Sikh myself I know that it is in our religion that we live and earn a truthful and honest living. However in my personal opinion I think sometimes a white lie is in need of from time to time. But on the other hand what is the point of lying becasue is it not our selves we are lying too?

This link I have posted is a sikh story which is about truth and honesty. This story as a moral behind it.

Response to Ameena's blog
I totally agree with what you have said about it is much more harder when someone is lying to you. Its always hard to forget what the other person might be feeling. Its a pretty sensitive topic! But good post!

Wednesday 7 April 2010


Masturbation is quite an awkward topic to talk about for me. It is one of those topics which at times can be embarrassing to talk about. In my opinion some things just need to be kept quiet. However in a subject like being bad this is not the case.

Masturbation can be used by a person to control their sexual lust and desires, if they have no other means. It is unlikely if a person masturbates whilst in a sexual relationship as there is probably no room for it. If they do then it has its role. For example trying to improve sex life.
Masturbation helps an individual to get to know their own body and what they like and do not like. There is nothing wrong with it however its just one of those topics which is not spoken about. It is not a bad thing at it helps people to control their lust. It is better that somebody control's theirs lust through masturbation rather then then do something wrong such as rape.


This is link which looks at different topics surround masturbation. It contains a huge amount of information on this topic.

Cross Dressing.....

Cross dressing is mostly associated with homosexual and there main aim generally is trying to attract the same sex as themselves. I am not sure what people achieve out of cross dressing as its hard to understand their mindset. It could possibly be men wanting to be a women or vice versa. They are neither male or female which then leads into the topic of intersex. Is this possibly a third gender. Cross dressing is hard to comprehend and it confuses me as I'm not sure what women and men are trying to be.

Cross dressing is quite often shown in the media, recent case which has made the news is Alex Reid. Also Big Brother has also had many cross dressers on it. The link attached is an article from The Sun newspaper and shows how cross dressing makes the news. However in cases like this it is possible that it could be publicity stunts.

I myself do not agree with it and cannot quite understand why people do it. People should be happy and comfortable with how they were born and not try to be something they are not.

Tuesday 6 April 2010


Infidelity is wrong - most people would agree with that statement if they had any emotions right? or does everyone has their reasons?
It is not hard to cheat, lust and tempting but its the ones you are cheating on that get hurt.At certain times and circumstances infidelity does happen. For example in a dead end marriage, loneliness . Some people cheat because of the excitement of it ,however it doesn't make it right.In my personal opinion I think infidelity is cruel and a horrible thing to do. I believe in Karma so what goes around comes around. Today it is more common for women to cheat then men.

In religion it also states how one must not commit adultery as that it was of the ten commandments.

The link posted is more information on this topic.

Monday 5 April 2010

Sex Before Marriage

Sex before marriage is common in today's generation more so then ever. Today it is not the taboo it used to be within certain societies. Sexual desire is a natural instinct and it is not easy to always ignore it. However in some cases people may indulge is sexual pleasure without accepting the responsibilities. For example have their fun and then move to the next. There is nothing wrong with having sex outside marriage as a relationship can grow stronger. However sex with numerous people can also be dangerous as there are chances of sexual diseases. So people just have to be responsible for their own actions. I understand that everyone has different circumstances hence why they may not be able to save themselves till marriage. Sometimes it is difficult as lust and temptation takes over.

It is thought in many Asian to cultures that a girl should not consent to sex before marriage. It is seen to be disrespectful to both herself and her family if she loses her virginity outside of marriage.

The link attached to this site is about Chasity rings, these rings have been bought out in America so that girls will stay virgins until their wedding night. Apparently it is the new in thing in America so I wonder how long it will be until the crazes hits England!http://http//abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=127706&page=1

Sunday 21 March 2010

Is it right to ban!

In my previous blogs I have spoken about alcohol, smoking and certain types of drugs. In regards to my last post I spoke about the legal drug mephedrone and the controversies behind this particular drug. It can be argued that huge amount of alcohol consumption causes many health implications too. Not only does it effect your health but your mental state. It is the same with smoking as it effects your health and is very addictive.

Surely it can be argued that cigarettes and alcohol should be banned aswell. Does it not make it as bad as the drug mephedrine? This is something I do not quite understand. All of the above can kill ,be addictive, have severe health implications and have psychological effects. So what makes one more dangerous then the other?

Even though a final decision has not been made yet it will be interesting to see what happens.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Drug of the generation - Meow Meow!

This week it has been all over the news headlines how the drug mephedrone is now the new generation drug! Its cheap, legal and has all the effects to take you to another level......It even kills! This drug has become increasing popular and easy to get hold off in the UK today and many people suggest that the government have it band and made illegal and given the same classification as a class A drug. The drug which is actually a plant food has been used for research on various diseases such as Parkinson's.

Two students aged 18 died from taking the drug in Scunthorpe recently. So there has been an urge for schools to examine the usage of this drugs and recognise the dangers that it has on youngsters. This drug causes many health implications for people.

Response to Angela's blog

I think Angela's blog is very interesting and informative. The websites given are also very good. This blog has been written extremely well. I like the way she used rhetorical questions.

Wednesday 10 March 2010


Porn is a billion dollar industry. Is it right to watch it? Or does it exploit women? http://http://www.qualityhealth.com/sexual-health-articles/it-ok-men-watch-porn
In the past porn has been considered as a taboo however in today's society peoples views have changed as it's everywhere and easily accessible. Today porn is not just for men there are many websites, books, DVDs etc available for different groups of people, for example women friendly porn. Porn is a sex aid and helps couples spice up their sex lives.

Some may say that porn exploits women but to a certain degree women have self respect because they work as professionals and most of it is safe sex as most actors get scanned for any STIs, HIV or any other diseases.

However there is a dark side of porn, for example when actors use drugs, extreme scenes and violence.

In my personal opinion I have no issues if other people choose to watch porn but it's not something i have any interest for.
The web link I have posted looks at the pros and cons of men watching porn.

It's Smokinnnng

Everyone has their own choice to smoke, everyone has there own reasons to do it. I myself do not smoke and never have done, however many of my friends do. I myself do not agree with it and think for health reasons people should try their best not too. Not only for them selves but also to save money for the NHS .

However it is not that simple, for those who do smoke it can sometimes become an addiction. Pier pressure plays a big part in smoking as you are young as some teenagers believe it is "cool" and makes them feel grown up. Some people smoke to loose weight, to relieve stress, or for social reasons. Many smokers are in denial.

I used to work as as a Stop smoking advisor and out of 10 people only 2 managed to stop. Most of my patients were unaware of the exact harm that smoking does. One thing I did learn when I was working as an advisor is that its not as easy for people to quit. Smoking becomes apart of a persons life so it is like not eating any more. However people are given choices in the world today so it is up to them whether they wish to smoke or not in my opinion.

The NHS stop smoking site is a good way to stop smoking. It gives excellent advice and has various ways of helping you to quite.

Friday 5 March 2010

Fancy a tattoo?

Tattoos have been practised all over the world. Tattoos can be used to demonstrate allegiance to a particular group or organisation. They have been often associated within gang cultures.

Tattoos are also a fashion statement as they are the "in thing" to have these days. Many celebrities and icons choose to show their tattoos off. Tattoos are sometimes associated with the hard man image and linked with certain gangs. They sometimes often prove statements.

Many people today have religious symbols or images or types of Sanscript tattooed onto peoples bodies.

Tattoos also can spread diseases through unclean needles and and spread diseases such as aids or hep B. There are many back alley shops and private places which are reputable. Many teenagers often get tattoos whilst going through rebellious stages of their lives.

I personally would not get a tattoo more so because of my fear of needles. Why someone would want to go through that unnecessary pain is something I do not quite understand. But each to their own I just think people should think very carefully before deciding to go through with it, because once its there its there for life. I also do not agree with religious symbols and words being used as fashion statements.

http://http//www.designboom.com/history/tattoo_history.html This link looks briefly at the history of tattoos in different countries.

Thursday 4 March 2010

Being Bad Week 1 - Introduction.....To much information maybe?

First lesson Being bad,

One of the most intriguing lessons in my education to date!!! It was a taster for how the next 11 weeks of being bad was going to be and it was different to how I expected it.... At times throughout this lesson I was cringing and could not stop saying "oh my god".

We all had to write out 2 secrets that were supposedly "being bad" , or just wrong!. Then a few members of the class had to read out the most "shocking ones" and well I think we got a bit more then what we bargained for.

we also went through the module guide and was given a brief introduction to all the subjects that we were going to touch.

After this lesson I didn't know what to expect every Thursday evening.......but i'm sure it was going to be different compared to any other educational lesson in my life.

Week 12: Alcohol - Binge Drinking

My chosen topic for week 12 - is on Binge Drinking.

Binge drinking is an issues which is faced in England everyday. The definition of this is drinking as much alcohol as you can within a certain time. This is often done in groups. This tends to be very common up on university students, hence why I have chosen this topic.

There are many health implications due to such a rapid alcohol consumptions which people tend to ignore. Crime rate has also risen due to the amount of problems caused because of this issue. According to the government binge drinking cost England £20 billion a year!
Below is a link which goes into more detail regarding Binge drinking, it contains statistics, and relevant information regarding this topic.